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Music Quiz, Country : England
Question 1 of 10
The Beatles are from which English city?
Question 2 of 10
Finish the name of the English indie rock band: Arctic ______.
Question 3 of 10
What artist or group made the apocalyptic and politically charged song 'London Calling'?
Question 4 of 10
Who is the lead singer of the English art rock band Roxy Music?
Question 5 of 10
Ray Davies is best known as the lead singer of which English rock band?
Question 6 of 10
What London folk quartet had a surprise hit in 2011 with "The Cave"?
Question 7 of 10
English singer Lily Allen has brother in which popular TV series?
Question 8 of 10
What English singer-songwriter won the 2008 Grammy Award for Best New Artist?
Question 9 of 10
English rapper Maxwell Frazer is better known as?
Question 10 of 10
How much was Paul McCartney paid to perform at the 2012 London Olympics' opening ceremony?

1960s Quiz
Let's test your trivia skills!
Trivia Quiz (10 mixed questi
Let us know your score in the comments
What do you really know abou
These 8 questions will measure your knowledge..
Geography Quiz
10 mixed questions
Food & Cooking Quiz for ever
10 mixed questions
General Trivia IQ challenge
Is your IQ high enough for these questions?
World History Quiz
What do you remember?
General Trivia IQ challenge
Is your IQ high enough for these questions?
Quiz : We removed a word fro
Can you help us find the missing words?
Expert level trivia quiz
Can you score 8/10?
Quiz for Movie Fans
Can you answer all of them correctly?
Quiz : We removed a word fro
Can you tell us all the words?

I have 10 science questions
that only a genius can answer
Amazing Trivia Quiz
10 hot questions
Food & Cooking Quiz
Play it with your loved one
Quiz : General knowledge
10 questions in misc categories
People Trivia Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
Easy quiz with two tricky qu
Will you stumble?
Mixed Trivia Quiz
How many correct will you get?
1970s Song Quiz
10 songs to guess
General Knowledge Quiz (10 q
10 mixed category questions
1950s Song Quiz
Can you match the songs with the artists?
History Quiz (10 questions)
Can you answer 7/10 of these questions?
10 trivia questions
Mixed Knowledge quiz

General Trivia Challenge
10 random questions
This quiz is for people of 5
What do you remember?
Quiz about Food
10 cooking and food-related questions
World History Trivia Quiz
10 mixed history questions
Geography Quiz
10 questions
History Quiz
10 mixed questions
Cooking Quiz
10 mixed questions for you
1960s Song Quiz
10 songs to guess
General Trivia IQ challenge
10 mixed trivia questions
Quiz : Songs of 1978
How many of these songs do you remember?
Geography Quiz (Super Hard)
Can you score 5 or higher?
Mixed General Trivia Quiz
10 questions. Are you up for the challenge?

Quiz : We removed a word fro
Can you help us find the missing words?
General trivia quiz
10 mixed questions
1960s Song Quiz
10 songs are looking for the correct artist
World History Quiz
Did you pay attention in school?
Movie Quote Quiz
How many will you get correct?
Food quiz for home cooks
This quiz is a recipe for disaster!
10 general trivia questions
Let us know your score in the comments
Movie Quiz
Let's test your trivia skills!
General Trivia Challenge
10 random questions
A enjoyable movie quiz for a
Test your knowledge with these 10 trivia ques..
Latin Words Quiz
10 questions
Trivia Quiz: Historical Inqu
10 questions for assessing your knowledge

Einstein level trivia quiz
10 high IQ knowledge questions
1970s Song Quiz
How many songs do you know?
1960s Song Lyrics Quiz
Can you guess these 10 songs?
World History Trivia Quiz
10 fun questions
10 general trivia questions
Please tell me your score in the comments
General Knowledge For Trivia
How high can you score?
General Trivia Quiz
We ask you 10 questions
Take this general trivia qui
by clicking here
General Trivia Quiz
10 mixed questions for you to have fun with
1970s Song Quiz
10 mixed questions
Quiz : Songs on the hit list
How good is your memory
Amazing Trivia Quiz
10 hot questions

Trivia Quiz
10 questions
Super hard trivia quiz
10 mixed questions
1960s Song Quiz
10 mixed questions in one quiz
Trivia Quiz
10 questions
Albert Einstein challenge
10 trivia questions
Cooking & Food quiz
How many correct will you get?
Mixed trivia quiz
10 general knowledge questions
Film Trivia Quiz
10 questions about movies
Expert General Knowledge Qui
How smart are you really?
History Quiz
10 mixed questions
IQ test
How deep does your knowledge go?
Science Quiz
10 questions

1960s Song Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
How's your spelling?
10 question test here
Trivia Quiz for everyone on
How many of them will you answer correctly?
Big brain trivia quiz
10 Impossible Questions
History Quiz
10 questions
Expert Trivia Quiz
Science Trivia
10 science questions
1960s History Quiz
What do you remember?
General Trivia Quiz
High IQ questions
Quiz : Electronics of the pa
How many correct will you get?
Movie Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
General Knowledge Quiz
10 mixed questions to have fun with

General Trivia Challenge
10 random questions
Trivia Quiz
10 hard questions
Expert Trivia Challenge
Can you reach 3 out of 10 correct answers?
10 trivia questions in one q
How many correct answers will you get?
10 General Knowledge Questio
You Wont Even Get 5 Correct Answers
Quiz on general trivia
Can you answer these 10 questions to assess y..
Amazing Trivia Quiz
10 hot questions
10 General Knowledge Questio
Can you beat my score?
Trivia IQ challenge
Can you score 6 or higher?
General Trivia Quiz
10 mixed genereal questions
Latin Words Quiz
How many of them will you answer correctly?
Geographical Trivia Quiz
10 questions about geography

Mixed trivia quiz
10 general knowledge questions
10 mixed general knowledge q
Are you up for a quiz?
Computer Quiz For Seniors
10 Questions To Test Your Knowledge
History Quiz
10 mixed history questions
A quiz about the songs lyric
How many of these fantastic songs do you reme..
General trivia quiz
10 mixed fun questions
Who played the leading roles
How many correct will you get?
Geography quiz for smart peo
Scoring a clean 10 will never happen
Movie Quiz
10 mixed questions
Amazing Trivia Quiz
10 hot questions
Super fun trivia quiz
Are you ready?
Trivia Quiz
How many correct will you get?

World Geography Quiz
10 questions
Food and cooking quiz
Play it with your loved one
General Trivia Quiz
10 Quite Difficult Questions
Trivia Brain Challenge
10 questions to test your knowledge
10 questions about London
How many correct will you get?
Quiz : General knowledge
10 questions in misc categories
10 General Knowledge Questio
Let's see how smart you really are!
Trivia Quiz : General Knowle
10 quite impossible questions
HARD quiz about song lyrics
Let me know your low score in the comments :)
Food & Cooking quiz for
How many of these food questions can you answ..
10 general trivia questions
How many correct will you get?
Food quiz for home cooks
This quiz is a recipe for disaster!

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